

Rain gauge, water level gauge, rainfall indicator RS-A/D Converter specialist

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Rain(snow)fall gauge installation conditions.

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작성자 Administrator
Comment 0Cases 조회 241Views 작성일 24-02-14 16:47


Dear, Manager.

I'm sharing the information because I have an inquiry about the standard for installing rainfall (Snow) meters. 

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration's notice (Installation Standard for each Meteorological Measurement '19.6.3)', the installation regulations for rainfall meters are as follows.

A. The height of the precipitation meter reception area shall be at least 30 cm from the ground or rooftop floor.

B. Precipitation meters shall be installed at least 0.5 times the difference between the receiving port and the height of the obstacle from the surrounding obstacles. 

C. It is recommended to install a wind shield around the precipitometer. 

Related links below, detailed views are explained on page p.21 in PDF materials. 

Our Support Device (WD-300) and windshield (WD-400) products comply with this. 
For your information, in the case of the cradle, there are floor type (WD-300 C) and pole type (WD-300 P) depending on the installation  environment, and the manufacturing height can be changed according to custom manufacturing.
Thank you. 


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